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Nov 3, 2011

Now You Can Pay A Doctor $5000 To Change Your Boring Brown Eyes Into Blue

Tired of being like everyone else?
Want to brighten the glimmer in your eyes?

Dr. Gregg Homer told KTLA Morning News that he can perform a surgery to turn any person's brown eyes into blue ones permanently.

Blue eyes are associated with a number of potential benefits such as being more intelligent.

Worldwide, only about 150 million people have blue eyes, and their numbers are dwindling. Now you can join their ranks permanently.

The process removes some of the brown pigment in your eye, and in two to three weeks, you'll have your own set of baby blues. He estimates that the operation will cost around £3,000 (around $4,800).

Unfortunately, if you don't like the look, there's no way to go back yet.

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