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Nov 29, 2011

How to Choose your New Luxury Car

Image by barrettmotorcars

Choosing your next car can be somewhat of a difficult task, with so many options and decisions to be considered. Since buying or leasing a new vehicle is part of an investment choice, it is something that should be chosen wisely. Some of the key elements that a buyer needs to recognize before even visiting a dealership are pricing, safety aspects, financing, brands, fuel efficiency, and comfort.

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For some prospective buyers including myself safety is on the top of my list. There are car manufacturers that constantly equip their vehicles with the latest in safety equipment. ECS or electronic stability control which helps monitor the car so as to not lose control reduces accidents up to 50%.
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Airbags, front and side protects head, chest and abdomen of the passengers in the vehicle. Car magazines bring out tests yearly which show research on certain vehicles and safety standards they pass. This is something a customer should consider before buying their next car.

Price and Financing
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Many prospective buyers make the choice to get financed through the dealership, when in essence, the customer should enter a dealership with a a finance agreement already in hand through an outside agency, prospective customers actually have more negotiating power than walking in and letting the dealership finance the vehicle. In order to know what it is the price point of the vehicle that the customer is looking at, one should shop around. Once the customer knows what vehicle they are going for, they can look online, visit local dealerships to find comparable pricing. This is where a customer needs to be armed with tons of research. Dealerships and salesmen can read when a prospective buyer is confused and confusion reads weakness.

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A great number of prospective buyers buy their vehicles based on brand. In 2010 Car buyer’s magazine reported that 22% of buyers buy a specific brand. Some prefer German engineering. Others want American, since parts are more accessible and inexpensive. Others simply buy based on what generations in their family have been loyal to.

Fuel Efficient / Eco-Friendly
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Let’s face it! Fuel costs are at their highest and continue to rise. For some choosing a fuel efficient car over comfort outweighs the cons. Hybrid cars or Eco-friendly cars are being sold in record numbers, since people are more aware of their money as well as the impact an eco-friendly has on the environment. Hybrids are meant to be driven in the city, because they are not gas guzzlers when going on low speed, the fuel savings could add up to 70%. One of the cons of purchasing a hybrid is to take into consideration that the insurance on these are higher than a regular automobiles, because of the expensive engineering.

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When buying a car for one or buying a car for a family of 6, comfort, space and extras determine which model one considers. Since prospective customers usually take into consideration what the car will be used for. Will there be long family trips planned with the comforts of an entertainment system for the kids, or GPS navigation for cross country driving? Some prefer the added security of having “On Star” built in. All of these factors should be asked before deciding which automobile to purchase.

Then there are the type of prospective buyers, which ignore all of the rules of purchasing a car, but solely base their buying power on impulse, color and aesthetics. Customers need to be mindful that purchasing a vehicle is a long time investment, and as such it should be done with careful researches keeping in mind your family, budget and work.

Additional information
Choosing the Best Luxury Sedan
Image by barrettmotorcars
Any car purchase requires forethought, but beyond specifications, people wanting the best luxury sedan have to consider multiple brands as well. Do they want a Mercedes Benz, or is the Jaguar XF closer to their ideal? Budgeting is of course important, as is deliberating what kind of prestige people want associated with their car, but specifications, especially how they relate to an owner’s life situation, should trump everything.

Unless a Saudi prince or venture capitalist is in the market, most people can’t afford the highest end sedans from Aston Martin or Bentley. Those individuals and other businessmen, however, shouldn’t rule out options just for their high expense. Clients and potential business partners judge a lot about success and merit from the brand of a person’s car. If a potential buyer works in a profession that benefits from creating such an impression, sacrificing a famous name just to save money may cost more in lost business down the road.

Even if the luxury car purchase is to mark middle age independence, family is essential to consider. Kids may not be allowed to ever drive their dad’s Maserati Quattroporte, but they still enjoy being picked up in it from school. If children are in the picture, ample room for them should be sought, not to mention safety features. Luxury cars are known for their speed and handling, but many have the most innovative safety features as well.

Business, handling, and prestige should all influence a purchase, but if the buyer is a parent, the ability to protect loved ones may be one of a sedan’s biggest selling points.

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Via everydayhowto,net /  barrettmotorcars
Luxury News / Golden Choice by Lux Creative International

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