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Nov 29, 2011

Prada promises us the LG Prada 3

LG and Prada have a successful history of working together. After the first two handsets that resulted in the original LG Prada phone (back in 2007) and the LG Prada 2 (in 2008) ; they have now announced the LG Prada 3 after a gap of almost 4 years. The LG Prada handsets have a history of bringing something new to the market. The original Prada phone was the first touchscreen smartphone. The Prada 2 came with a unique watch interface.

So while LG and Prada are reluctant to discuss details, rest assured the LG Prada 3 shall also be something to look out for. As of now all that the companies have released is the above seen photograph along with the promise of a new phone that is coming soon (early 2012).

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